

Category : 移民新政速遞

2019年2月23日,加拿大IRCC宣布啟動兩項為期五年的保姆移民試點計劃(the Caregiver immigration pilot programs)。這兩個保姆試點項目一個名為「家庭兒童照顧者(Home Child Care Provider)」,一個名為「家庭護理者(Home Support Worker)」,分別針對照料擁有18歲以下兒童的家庭,以及65歲及以上的老人和殘疾人士。


  • Home Child Care Provider NOC 4411: 照顧孩子(18周歲以下的孩子)
  • Home support worker NOC 4412 家庭護工(照顧老人與殘疾人)



1.   工作邀請:獲得僱主提供的真實有效的聘用通知書。

2.   能夠證明可以勝任該工作(包括過往的教育/培訓/工作經歷文件)

3.   語言能力:英語或法語能力至少達到CLB5級,即雅思聽力5分,口語5分,寫作5分,閱讀4分。

4.   學歷要求:至少1年加拿大(或等同於加拿大)大專或以上文憑,海外學歷須通過ECA學歷認證。


  1. 申請人根據自身工作經歷及職業計劃,進行僱主匹配,並獲得Job Offer(A類申請)

  2. 同步遞交移民申請、工簽申請(A類申請)、以及家人的工簽/學簽(如果適用)

  3. 獲得工簽,累計至少24個月的工作經驗,以滿足永久居留身份申請的基本要求

  4. 獲得足夠的在加拿大的工作經驗後,準備證明材料,遞交至移民局

  5. 等待移民局審批,通過後即可獲得楓葉卡。




3. 申請人未成年子女可免費就讀加拿大公立學校。


1. 必須證明申請人能夠勝任工作要求。保姆移民主要分為兩個職業:照顧小孩和照顧老人病人。加拿大政府對於這兩個職業工作內容分別有詳細規定:

Home child care providers NOC 4411 照顧孩子

  • Supervise and care for children in employer’s or own residence
  • Bathe, dress and feed infants and children
  • Prepare formulas and change diapers for infants
  • Plan, prepare and serve meals for children and may perform other housekeeping duties
  • Oversee children’s activities, such as meals and rest periods, as instructed by employer
  • Maintain a safe and healthy environment in the home
  • Instruct children in personal hygiene
  • Tend to the emotional well-being of children and support their social development
  • Discipline children according to the methods requested by the parents
  • Provide age-appropriate educational training through organized activities such as games, crafts, reading and outings
  • Take children to and from school and appointments
  • May be required to keep records of daily activities and health information regarding each child.

Home support workers NOC 4412 照顧老人、病人

  • Provide care and companionship for individuals and families during periods of incapacitation, convalescence or family disruption
  • Administer bedside and personal care to clients such as aid in ambulation, bathing, personal hygiene, and dressing and undressing
  • Plan and prepare meals and special diets, and feed or assist in feeding clients
  • May perform routine health-related duties such as changing non-sterile dressings, assisting in the administration of medications and collecting specimens under the general direction of home care agency supervisor or nurse
  • May perform routine housekeeping duties such as laundry, washing dishes and making beds.

2. 實際生活中,僱主往往還會有額外針對性的要求,例如:要會開車,會做飯等等。

3. 加拿大對於以往工作經驗和培訓經歷的認定非常嚴格。相比之下,接受過加拿大境內培訓機構的專業培訓並獲得畢業證書的申請人,更容易被批准。







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