Category : 留学菜单
加拿大经济形势一直为全北美洲最好的国家,就业机会非常高。根据新的移民政策,学生毕业以后,加拿大政府允许学生有3年工作签证机会,工作3年后基本上都可以成功移民。 2、教学质量高,课程选择广 加拿大高等院校共有近300所,其中90多所公立大学,教育质量名列世界前茅。跟美国学校相比,加拿大学校主体上都是公立的,整体的留学费用比较低,整体的质量较高。 3、教育和生活费低 加拿大公立中学(很多面向国际生开放)的学费加生活费每年约为12万元人民币左右,英国私立寄宿制高中学费加住宿费一年大约需要30万元人民币(英国公立中学招收的以本国学生为主),而美国私立高中(大多数美国的公立高中只允许接受短期的外国交换学生)在15万~30万元人民币上下。 4、生活质量居世界首位 联合国的调查显示:加拿大教育普及程度高、人均寿命长(归功于全民医疗系统),犯罪率低、暴力事件少,是世界上最佳的居住地区。作为世界上天然环境最美的国家之一,加拿大有许多值得游览的野外风景。 5、人文环境宽松 加拿大是一个移民国家,鼓励多种文化相互融合。在加拿大能看到几乎世界上所有国家的人,因此,在这里能享受到许多与特殊文化有着密切关系的民族风味食品和娱乐活动,人们还可以加入带着不同民族背景的俱乐部和协会。
更多请看下文 加拿大教育部 cmec “留学加拿大的 八大理由 ” Top Reasons to Study in CanadaQualifications Valued Around the World Canada’s high academic standards and rigorous quality controls mean that you’ll be earning a high-quality education that will open doors for your future and benefit your career over the long term. A Canadian degree, diploma or certificate is globally recognized as being equivalent to those obtained from the United States or Commonwealth countries. Affordable Education The quality of education and living standards in Canada are amongst the highest in the world, but the cost of living and tuition fees for international students are generally lower than in other countries such as the United States and the United Kingdom. As such, Canada is often the preferred choice for students attending college or university. Multicultural Society With almost all of the world’s ethnic groups represented in Canada, it’s hard not to find ethnic foods and recreation activities associated with specific cultures. In fact, your international student advisor can help you get in touch with any number of ethnic clubs and associations for you to join while you’re here. Healthy and Safe Communities While you may have heard of or experienced Canadians’ friendly and open nature, you may not have known that the United Nations consistently ranks Canada as one of the best places in the world to live. As an international student in Canada, you’ll enjoy all of the same freedoms which protect Canadians – respect for human rights, equality, and a stable and peaceful society. World-Class Language Education Did you know that Canada is a bilingual country and is considered a world leader in language training? Since teaching French and English as a first and second language is an integral part of a Canadian education, you will be able to improve your fluency and capacity for either language as you further your studies. Exciting Campus Lifestyle Canada’s post-secondary campuses aren’t only wired with the latest in sophisticated technology, but countless other modern amenities as well. From Olympic-quality sports facilities to public concert halls and art galleries, Canada’s post-secondary campuses offer you enormous possibilities for learning and leisure. Plus, you’ll have incredible opportunities to meet like-minded individuals and gain valuable experience through student-run governments, radio, newspapers and businesses. Innovative and Abundant Research Opportunities Since research is one of the key components of a Canadian post-secondary education, you’ll have ample opportunity to become a part of this vibrant aspect of education. In Canada, government and industry together support research including: telecommunications, medicine, agriculture, computer technology, and environmental science. Land of Possibilities Under Canada’s highly dynamic and hands-on academic environment, you will not only acquire knowledge and skills in analysis and communication, but you will also learn how to express yourself, demonstrate your creativity, and develop your self-confidence! Teachers and professors are always available and eager to help with lessons, and studies fuse academic excellence with interaction and collaboration in the classroom. Possibility of Immigration Did you know that some international students with Canadian credentials and Canadian work experience may apply for permanent residency without having to leave Canada? For more information about the possibility of immigration to Canada once your schooling is complete, please visit the Citizenship and Immigration Canada website.
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx 拿到签证只是我们服务的第一步,新未来留学服务还有 ♥ 教育规划 实时跟踪加拿大本地就业市场,为国际留学生提供未来的教育和职业规划。 ♥ 家长服务 向陪读的和在中国的家长提供学生信息,使家长了解孩子在留学期间的状况。 及时回复问题和做出相应的调整,帮助孩子完成学业。 ♥ 移民计划 为国际留学生提供完成学业之后的移民计划,为他们继续在国外工作和生活创造条件和机会。