


Ahmed Hussen

加拿大新任移民部長哈森 (Admed Hussen) 上任後就馬上落實一項去年公布的移民計劃,向國際學生及技術專才招手。聯邦政府將與大西洋省份試辦一項移民計劃,如果區內廠商如果有意僱用國際學生和技術專才,可獲政府支援。參與計劃的4個省份為:新斯科舍省 (Nova Scotia)、新不倫瑞克省 (New Brunswick)、紐芬蘭拉布拉多省 (Newfoundland & Labrador) 及愛德華王子島省 (Prince Edward Island)。


1 大西洋高級技術項目
2 大西洋中級技術項目
3 大西洋國際生項目

The Atlantic Immigration Pilot has two programs for skilled workers:

  • Atlantic High-Skilled Program
  • Atlantic Intermediate-Skilled Program
  • Atlantic International Graduate Program

The work experience, education, and job offer you need will depend on whether you are applying as a worker or an international student graduate. The other requirements are the same for both.


1 近三年中有至少一年的工作經驗(相當於總共1560小時的工作經驗或30小時/周)。該工作經歷可以是全職的,間斷的,或者兼職的工作,只需要全部時間達到1560小時。
2 必須是同一職業類別(允許有不同的僱主);
3 屬於NOC職業分類0\A\B或C類;
4 必須是有償工作,義工和實習不算;
5 該工作經驗可以是在加拿大境內或境外獲得
6 申請高級技術類的必須具備0\A\B類別一年工作經歷,申請中級技術類的必須具備C類職業一年工作經歷。如果你既滿足高級技術類別,也滿足中級技術類別,需申請高級技術類。
7 必須具有加拿大高中或以上學歷或學位;或者經過ECA認證的相當於加拿大以上同類文憑的學歷

You must have worked at least one year (1,560 hours total or 30 hours per week) within the last three years. It can be full-time, non-continuous, or part-time, as long as it adds up to 1,560 hours.The work must be:

  • in one occupation (but can be with different employers)
  • paid (volunteering or unpaid internships do not count)
  • at skill type/level 0, A, B, or C of the National Occupational Classification (NOC)
  • The experience can be gained from inside or outside Canada.
  • Workers apply as either high-skilled workers or intermediate-skilled workers. High-skilled workers need their one year of work experience to be at skill type/level 0, A, or B. Intermediate-skilled workers need their one year of work experience to be at the skill level C. If you are eligible to apply for both, apply as a high-skilled worker.
  • You must have:


1 無需工作經驗;
2 必須有大西洋四省頒發的的公立院校文憑;至少兩年課程的全職學生;
4 畢業12個月內申請;
5 畢業前兩年內在大西洋四省之一居住滿16個月;
6 持有有效學習或工作簽證;
7 語言課程或遠程課程不能超過總課程的一半;
8 如果是要求畢業後返回原國的學習項目,則不符合申請要求。
  • You do not need any work experience.
  • a minimum 2 year degree, diploma, certificate, or trade or apprenticeship credential from a recognized publicly-funded institution in an Atlantic province
  • been a full-time student in Canada for at least two years
  • graduated in the last 12 months when you apply
  • lived in one of the Atlantic provinces for at least 16 months in the last 2 years before you graduated
  • had the visa or permit needed to work, study or train in Canada

Your study or training program cannot be:

  • English or French second language courses for more than half of the program, or
  • distance learning undertaken for more than half the length of the program.

You can』t apply if you had a scholarship or fellowship requiring you to return to your home country after you graduate.


1 必須是指定的大西洋四省的僱主;
2 不可以是季節工;
3 經過各省相關部門審核;
4 高級技術工人的僱主信必須屬於職業類別O\A\B類,聘用時長至少一年;
5 中級技術工人的僱主信必須屬於職業類別 O\A\B\C類,聘用時長為永久;
6 國際學生必須屬於職業類別O\A\B\C類,聘用時長至少一年;
7 僱主信中的職業類別無須跟以往工作經驗一樣;但申請人必須符合僱主招聘條件;
8 僱主無須申請LMIA即勞工部批文

You must have a job offer that is:

  • from a designated employer in an Atlantic province (New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, or Prince Edward Island)
  • non-seasonal
  • reviewed by the province (details on the endorsement process will be available in early March 2017)

Job offers for high-skilled workers must:

  • be skill type/level 0, A, or B
  • last at least one year

Job offers for intermediate-skilled workers must:

  • be skill type/level 0, A, B, or C
  • be indeterminate (permanent)

Job offers for international graduates must:

  • be skill type/level 0, A, B, or C
  • last at least one year

Your job offer does not need to be in the same occupation as your past work experience. However, you need to meet employment requirements for the job you are offered. The requirements are listed in the NOC.The employer does not need a Labour Market Impact Assessment.


英語或法語CLB 4,需要提供有效的雅思成績證明

You must:

  • have at least a level four (4) in the Canadian Language Benchmarks in English or the Niveaux de compétence linguistique canadiens in French, and
  • take an approved language test that shows you meet the level for speaking, listening, reading and writing.



You will need to show that you have enough money to support yourself and your family after you immigrate. The amount you need depends on the size of your family and includes family members you support that are not immigrating with you.

各省對於僱主有不同的要求,但是基本上比較接近。比如新斯科舍省移民局和愛德華王子島省移民局都要求僱主運營狀況良好,提供全職的、非季節性的工作職位,新斯科舍省還要求僱主與提供安居安家服務的機構協作。聯邦移民部長赫森(Ahmed Hussen)在新斯科舍省烏爾夫維爾(Wolfville)說,各省現在可以開始選定僱主,它們有意僱用技術移民。移民抵達大西洋地區,可獲工作,還有一份配合個人和家庭狀況的安頓方案。赫森在周五會議後說:「背後的理念是發揮僱主的特別功能,協助移民和他們的家庭,在大西洋省份融入新社區,在當地落地生根,促進地區經濟增長。」

新未來持牌顧問認為,該項目是依賴於僱主發揮作用的項目。優勢在於該項目對僱主的資格要求不高,但是需要這四個省內被指定的僱主,因此申請人需要尋找符合資格的僱主。該項目對語言的要求不高,因此有利於1. 有足夠工作經驗,卻沒有較高英語或法語水平的申請人;2. 該項目不要求留學生有工作經驗,所以有利於在四省就讀英語要求不高的專業,並且可以順利畢業的留學生。該計划下的申請人因為無須經過繁瑣的LMIA申請,通過率和審批時間預計較其它類別將具有較大優勢。





總公司設立在溫哥華地區,是經加拿大政府批准並正規註冊的移民留學服務公司,擁有頂尖留學移民團隊和 ICCRC持牌移民顧問。專註加拿大移民和留學服務,積累了豐富的成功案例;加拿大本土頂尖的服務團隊,全部經過專業訓練,服務全程嚴格把關;留學顧問和移民顧問都是擁有碩士學位、英語水平一流、業務非常精通的專業人士。了解更多