

移民局2月14日送出情人節驚喜:新的畢業工簽指南(Post-Graduate Work Permit)出台;今天起所有的畢業工簽申請都按照新指南的要求進行。


1. 申請時間從畢業後90天延長至180天




Within 180 days of the date of applying for the post-graduation work permit, applicants must also meet one of the following criteria:

2.  不再要求申請工簽時必須持有有效學簽

新政前: 留學生在遞交畢業工簽申請時必須持有有效的學簽,學簽過期的學生不能申請畢業工簽。現在:即使學簽過期,也可以申請畢業工簽了。

Another corresponding change was the removal of the requirement that international graduates have a valid study permit when applying for a PGWP.

3. 申請畢業工簽時必須提交學校的成績單





1. 如果您加速提前完成學業 Accelerated programs


If you complete your study program in less time than the normal length of the program, you may be eligible for a PGWP valid for the full length of your program. For example, if you complete a 1 year study program in 8 months, you may be able to get a PGWP valid for 1 year.

2. 網路遠程課程 Distance learning


If distance learning makes up less than 50% of your study program, you may be eligible for a PGWP. The length of the PGWP would match the length of your program, including both in-class and distance courses. Any distance courses completed outside Canada won』t be included in the length of the PGWP.

If distance learning makes up more than 50% of your study program, you aren』t eligible for a PGWP.

3. 境內/境外遞交


4. 碩博項目


Officers may issue 3‑year post-graduation work permits to individuals who complete a master』s or doctoral degree in Canada when the eligible DLI has confirmed in the written confirmation of program completion that the degree is 16 to 23 months in length and does not include regularly scheduled breaks.

5. 不同課程可疊加計算課時


The length of the work permit should combine the length of each program.If the combined length is more than 2 years (or 1,800 hours for DVS and AVS programs in Quebec), the work permit may be valid for up to 3 years.

Note: Each program of study must meet all PGWPP eligibility requirements and be at least 8 months in length.

6. 中途休學


There are a few cases where you may be able to take an authorized leave of up to 150 days from your study program and still meet the conditions of your study permit. If your leave is authorized, you may still be eligible for a PGWP.

7. 全職學習


maintained full-time status as a student in Canada during each semester of your study program (except your final semester, which can be part-time, or if you took a leave from studies)




Post-graduation work permit applicants who have been refused the work permit based on the previous guidelines may submit a new application under the new guidelines, effective February 14, 2019, if they are eligible to apply.


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