

QS(Quacquarelli Symonds)2018年大学毕业生就业率排名已经出炉,排名涵盖了65个国家的495所大学。加拿大共有18所大学上榜,其中5间荣登全球前100名。


此次QS加拿大大学毕业生就业率排名中,加拿大共有18所大学上榜,其中5所更荣登全球前100名。包括排第15位的多伦多大学、第24位的安省滑铁卢大学(University of Waterloo)、第35位的卑诗省卑诗大学(University of British Columbia)、第42位的魁省麦基尔大学(McGill University)、第94位的亚省亚伯达大学(University of Alberta)。


1. 多伦多大学 University of Toronto


University of Toronto
Up four places this year to now rank 15th in the world for graduate employability, the University of Toronto receives the highest rank of any Canadian university for the Alumni Outcomes indicator. Many former students of the university have gone on to make their mark in the arts, sciences, politics, business and other ventures, with four Canadian prime ministers among its alumni, plus other notable figures such as Donald Sutherland and Margaret Atwood.

2.  滑铁卢大学 University of Waterloo

滑铁卢大学(University of Waterloo)力压麦吉尔大学、UBC,排名加拿大第2,全球第24;除了滑铁卢大学确实强劲的专业实力,估计和其出色的带薪实习Co-op项目有很大关系。

University of Waterloo

The University of Waterloo is ranked 24th in the world for graduate employability and achieves an impressive score for the Partnerships with Employers category (fourth in the world), an assessment of both research and employment-related partnerships. Waterloo has been named Canada’s most innovative university for 25 years, and considers itself a model of co-operative education, offering more than 120 accredited co-op programs to allow students to combine their studies with work experience.

3. 不列颠哥伦比亚大学University of British Columbia


University of British Columbia

Another of the best Canadian universities for graduate employability is the University of British Columbia, up six places this year to rank 35th in the world, with its highest score for the Employer Reputation category (37th in the world). Like Waterloo, the university has a number of co-op programs available, and the university also has a venture accelerator, entrepreneurship@UBC, to help students and recent graduates launch their own start-ups.

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